Our plans for this day is very simple; that is to bring my dear's mum and sixth aunt to Quan Hu fish farm for fish spa. However, in the end, we visited places that we did not planned before hand. After Quan Hu, we went to the Dragon fruit farm, the Hay Dairies Goat Farm also some organic vegetable farms. So, it is a day when we can be closer to nature.
We set off at about 11am with dear's aunt driving. Ha.. it feels good to be driven around. There are 7 of us; me, dear, dear's mum, dear's aunt and her two kids.
We went to the Quan Hu fish farm first. The spa is considered cheap which cost $10 for 30 mins. This our first time doing this spa. Quite fun, the bites of the fishes are not painful but rather ticklish.
Me at the small fishes pond.

Look at the fishes!
Over at the big fishes pond, those fishes are pretty big. Some as big as around 20-25cm long.
While the adults were getting bitten by the fishes, the kids catches longkong fishes. Cost $5 per hour and you get to keep the container and the fishes you caught.
You can also feed some hungry koi there.
After the fish spa, we suggested going over to the Drangon fruit farm which is 10mins drive away. Too bad, we went at the wrong time. There is no drangon fruit for sale. It is the low season now. Another three weeks will be good. Nevertheless, saw some grapes there.
And we ended up feeding and playing with the koi there. We spent quite some time there, just to relax and enjoy the clear air. I sort of know one of the owner there, as I had been there for a couple of times already. Had brought their home grown rambutons before.
Next we ended up at the goat farm, just beside the Drangon fruit farm. Soon after I got there, I was attacked by a goat.
Attacked by another one. The goats must have mistaken my brown colored bermudas as dried grass.
The goats are cute. They will suck and lick your fingers if you feed them with grasses.
Us us!!
After the goat farm, dear's aunt wanted to go to a organic farm. Somehow, before we found the organic farm, we ended up at a jetty.. haha... Us us us!!!
Finally, at the organic farm. Nothing much here. The prices are expensive. Had organic ice-creams here.
You jump, I jump???!?!
Last stop, Bollywood. Wanted to walk around this farm which has plenty of different fruits and vegetables. However, the sky starts to rain. So, what can we do but just to keep a photo of ourselves, again..
The day was well-spent, fun and relaxing. Once in a while, it is good to get away from the crowded city area to visit a place which is less crowded. Will take away all your stress... hmm next place to go should be Palua Ubin bah, anyone?
1 comment:
I realise dear always likes to go pulau ubin....
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