Saturday, August 22, 2009

Marriage Life

Haha... my blog is actually still alive and kicking....

Can't get to sleep yet so might as well drop a couple of lines here.

Had been married for five months now. And I must say, I really enjoyed at these five months. Life has been good. Love the feeling of having my dear close to me every moment of my life. Simply love the way to see my dear sleep and snore next to me. Love to see her sleeping so soundly every night beside me. Anyway, just love my marriage life.

At the moment, am doing up the renovation of our new nest. In-laws are doing most of the job. From laying the tiles to calling up their lobangs for the air-con, windows ledges, false cellings etc etc.. thus, me and wife had lots less stuff to worry about, except for the money part. A simple renovation and furnitures etc can easily set us back by $20k.

Tommorrow will be going to our new house. Our tiles had just been laid. Excited to see how it turn out. :)