Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mambo Jumbo!! Hooo......

After missing in action for a while, I am finally back at Zouk, Mambo nite. Not that I am always there, but I have always like the music and the crowd. The young crowd never fails to remind me that I am always 18 yrs old. I wanna be forever young.....

So was there with my friends from K9. All whom I din club with before. However, most of them can dance real good and certainly bring out the fun. Will go with them again if time permits.

And yah, while waiting for my car from the velet, saw some gals by the road side. One was holding a big plastic bag. Ya, she was puking into it. I always felt that this is really unsightly for gals to get drunk. What do gals do when they get drunk? They will KPKB. They will cry mother and cry father. I hate this sight. So my moto is, if you can't hold your alcohol, dun drink. Pls dun waste all your money (even if the drinks are from some guys) on drinks and make yourself suffer. How about guys who get drunk? They will try to pick a fight with every and any one they met... hahaha guys..

Oh, where am I??? Back to what I saw while waiting for my car. Ok, one gal was puking while another gal was sitting by the curb. And she was wearing a short skirt. So u imagine a gal with a short skirt sitting by the curb. What will u see? Of cos its color TV lah. She dun even attempt to prevent herself from been zhao geng... so free show for all!

So what I learn from these free show? Firstly, dun drink and puke by the road side. Secondly, if you wanna sit by the curb with a short skirt, please wear a nice g-string. No granny panties, please.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Beyond's fan with Leukemia

Read from a Beyond forum about a Beyond's fan with Leukemia that had passed away on 12 Jun 2005. This should her last account of her life....

我还是要跟大家说对不起,我想我无法坚持到二个月了。在6月11日的前一天,我跟父母发生了争执,他们知道我身体的情况,去那种人群聚集的地方,说白一点,就是提前结束我的生命,所以他们坚决不让我去,不管我怎么求也无济于事,但我必须去看完这场“告别”演唱会,我想只有你们能够明白我的心情,也能明白“告别”对于我的意义,这也算是给我的生命划上了圆满的句号吧,为了beyond我可以不顾一切,甚至失去了理智,我跪在地上跪在他们面前恳求他们,直到他们答应我为止,父母很伤心,我明白我的举动让他们为难,可我还是希望能够得到他们的谅解,其实他们是不愿让我离开这个世界的,母亲抱着我哭了,她答应了我,她不想让我带着遗憾走,还是决定陪我一起去。转天早上,我很早就起了,当天的心情让我忘记了我是一个快要走向死亡的人,那一天也许是我过的最快乐的一天,也可以说是最后一个值得记住的一天吧,父母虽然勉强的笑着但也始终没有表露出难过与伤心,我知道他们在极力的配合我,在我生病的这些日子,也只有那一天在我的家里充满了欢笑,而这笑好象意味着什么…下午,在临出门时,我吃了很多药,不过只要能让我坚持着看完那场演唱会,吃多少药都无所谓了。到了体育中心,看到这么多歌迷,很开心,可以说是一种享受与幸福,每分每秒都充满了快乐,虽然感到很累,但看到这么多朋友的热情,对我来说还是一种莫大的鼓舞,父母很担心我进去以后的状况,便不断的嘱咐我不要太激动,控制住自己的情绪,虽然答应了他们,但当那激昂的音乐声响起时,我早已忘了父母的叮嘱,跟着一起呐喊,欢呼,我没有太多的气力,但每一声呐喊,每一滴眼泪都注入了我对他们这么多年的感情,也许他们感觉不到,但我想你们都会明白,他们用歌声告别我们,而我也在用这种声嘶力竭的呐喊,挥泪向他们告别,每个人都在用尽全部感情,全部力量,一起高呼Rock n' Roll ,如果说明天就是世界末日的话,我想今夜我要把我的一切都溶入到这场演唱会里,它将成为又一个永恒的经典,随着演唱会的落幕,beyond定格在这一刻,也就在这一刻“beyond”真正成为了不朽的历史。我觉得我能够坚持下来就是一个奇迹,我很满足了,虽然我坚持了下来,但也离死亡进了一大步,我跟大家一样都很激动,以至于演唱会结束后还不能控制住自己的情绪,母亲见我这个样子很着急,担心我会出什么事,上车之后,我就不停的咳嗽,在我晕倒的前一刻,我唯一看见的就是我手中咳出的血。醒来时,已经躺在医院里,我感到呼吸困难,全身无力,可以感到死亡离我不远了,不过还好,我还可以把这些写下来,还能跟你们道别,我本来想对你们每一个人都说一声谢谢的,但我可能没那么多时间了,我只能把你们的名字写下来 。

Her name is 张静文.

Read that she is suppose to have another two more months to live. But she passed away the next day after she attended Beyond's concert. Doctors said she is too overly excited and got infected during the concert. I suppose someone with Leukemia is not allowed to go to places with too many people. But she insisted on going because Beyond is part of her life. If I am her, I may also do the same. I may forgo my two months of life to attend to Beyond's concert. But still, it is easier to say then to do it. So she is really one brave gal.

张静文, R.I.P.....

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Shopping whole day long...

Today had a long day, a long long day of nothing but shopping and shopping and shopping.....

Location : Suntec City

Our shopping spree starts at Suntec City early afternoon. There alone dear bought some over $100 worth of DVD, Koreans DVD. Yah, she is crazy over Koreans shows now. She can watch "My name is Kim San Soon" 4-5 times over and over again. And each time she will laughs over the same thing she had watched before. Tell me, if she is not crazy, who is??!?

After getting the DVD, its time to get some clothing. Din buy much but a cute polo-tee from S & K. Only $6. If buy already, bring home and dun like it, use the tee as a rag also not too bad...

Next stop... Shaw Tower CD show... Lucky din see any Beyond CDs that I dun have there... so din spend a cent here...

Location: Bugis

So off we go to Bugis for more shopping. This time round bought a book and some pen. Went shopping for my birthday gift (I wanted a good pair of leather slippers) but din like any. Or rather I felt the price is not worth the buy. BATA in Suntec got more value for money buy.

Location : Marina Square

Off we goes to Marina Sq for our dinner. Din do much after dinner and thereafter went to Suntec to get my slippers. haha... cheap cheap only $39.90 and I din pay a single cent.. thanks dear.....

Next stop.. Holland Village

Then after all the shopping, its time to catch up with old friends over a cup of kopi at Holland V. The parking is still as bad after they built a 2-storey carpark... why can't they just built more storey... hmmmm...
Catching up with friends is always nice... should do that more often....


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Red Star, My luck star

Today had breakfast at Red Star Resturant at Chinatown. Food is as per always, still as crowded, even thought not as crowded as the last time we went there. Actually, this is going to be my treat. But, however, I think my lucky is here to look for me. As I was going to pay the bill, I had a bet with my dear. Who ever guess the nearest amount to pay the bill wins. And the loser will of course have to settle the bill. So, my guess was $45. Hers, $50. Of we went to the cashier.... And guess what, the bill is exactly $45! Haha.. I am so smart... and so, thanks dear for the breakfast.. haha....................... :p

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Recap for the week

Have not been blogging for about a week.

Time for a short recap.

8 Aug 2006

This day had an enjoyable time at a BBQ organise by my dear's good friend Ja. The BBQ took place at Ja's new condo. Darn nice place, how nice if we had a place there.. Well, back to the BBQ... I always like BBQ, because many friends will turn up and it is always fun catching up. Hmmm... all the people there are my dear's friends, but I also know them quite well too. I also always like doing the work at BBQ. Things like setting up the fire, BBQ-ing the food etc. I always expect a high standard of the food I BBQ, always make sure they are well look after.. ha.. so as not to get too many chao-ta food.

Anyway, Ja prepare some prasta that can fill at least 20 person ( we had only 8 persons). The prasta taste really good, even better than some of those selling outside. But of cos, we could'nt finished the food, cos I told you she prepared for 20 persons! ha... Had a really enjoyable day with my dear and her group of friends...

9 Aug 2006

National Day! Had another day slacking at dear's place. Yah, bake cake again. This time not murphy? (my dear told me it is spelt as muffins), but strawberry cake. Should be the first time we attempt to bake such a high profile cake before. It turns up pretty good I should say. At least my dad commented they are nice, but too sweet. My dad always complain our cakes are too sweet anyway.. ha. But he said that Ah Ying is very good, can go set up a cake shop... Yah, that's what he said....

Fast forward to 12 Aug 2006

My dear's first pay in her new job came in.. hmmm.. hope she save some for my birthday present :)

I got some plans to how I pass my day today, should a busy day I suppose. Here are my time table... anyway, the time now is 11.30am

12pm to 12.30pm - Go had my lunch

12.30pm to 2.00pm - Play my computer games

2.00pm to 6.00pm - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

6.00pm to 7.00pm - Have my dinner, maybe

7.00pm to 10.00pm - Play my Xbox

10.00pm to 12am - Stone at home

12am to 0200am - Should have a soccer match shown live

See, my whole day is packed with activities!!!


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Slacking sat

Today, a Saturday, another day spent slacking at my dear's house. Had afternoon nap before dinner. And watch Superband finals on TV. Both of us voted a grand total of three votes for Milubing.. In the end glad that they won the contest... Always think they are a band with lots of creativities and their performances are always cute...

Well, after the show, baked chocolate chips and banana cakes. Or do you call that murhpy? or murhpines? Hmmm.. hope you get what I mean. Back to the baking... well, I always enjoyed baking with my dear. Lots of fun and of cos got nice, hot murphy? to bring home after that... The murphys? we baked together are always so nice.. heee..

But, when I went to retrieve my car, saw a slip of paper on my windscreen. Yah, that's it! Kanna already.. $20 gone... sianzzzz....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Pirates, finally

Finally, managed to catch Pirates II at Causeway Point today. Just before the show ends it ran. Had always wanted to go catch this show with my dear the first day the it had been screened. But for some reasons or another, we din managed to find any time for the show.

Well, the show is good. Rate it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Many actions, lots of laughters. But still not as good as the first, I think. So will I watch Pirates III? Ya, of cos, wanna see how they rescue Jack from the dead....

So tmr is another free day.... maybe wanna bake cakes together with my dear... hee :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Long day....

Today had a long day at work.

Had a new gal attached to me. So got to bring her around and show her what's work is all about. That took me half a day till 3pm. After which went for a talk, till 5.30pm. That's leaves me 3.5 hours left to finished my work. So back to office, work, work , work and more work....... ZZzzzzzzzzZZZzz

After work, attended a friend's mum wake.... Shouldn't go into details here....
But many kids at the wake. Make me realised that I do actually love kids. Two years ago, I can't imagine myself been a father. But now, I think i am ready, or so I think... ha... Anyway, I want THREE (3) of my own!!! But hmmm... my dear say max is two...... hmmmm.... the more the merrier mah.... hee..

Back to the wake...

Left the wake at almost 12am. So din managed to speak much to my dear. But no worries, we can always do it the next day.. dear hoh....