Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rot rot rot

Had been back in Singapore for 3 days already.

For these 3 days, we had simply been rotting away at home. My daily routine had been the same; eat, sleep, play games and then dinner at my dear's place.

Had wanted to go out on Vesek Day but did not have a place that we wanted to go too. Plus, the weather is sooooo darn hot. I almost felt that I would melt by just walking to the carpark. Just imagine, we had been enjoying cool weather for a week and now the weather is like at least 35 degree in the day?? Well, I will rather be in my room air-con then go out.

Still to upload our trip photos. The photos are still in my dear's laptop. Will want to post some photos here to act as a guide if we decided to visit Taipei again next time....


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club of rotting bro! That is my fav activity... BUT in order to become a life member, you still need to increase that waistline to at least 36inch... good luck in your quest -.-!

Anonymous said...

Above message is from the bear! -.-!

Royzzz said...


U dun need leave your name behind I will also know its you. Which other 36-incher will read my blog? lol