Sunday, January 13, 2008

10th day in confinement

Today marks the end of my 10th day of confinement. And no, I am not fully recovered yet. Some of the pokes on my body had already dried up. However, there are those still with full of water in them. I can even spot a few red bean size pokes. Darn, I am not out of my confinement yet!

Tell you all, it is really suffering not to be able to leave your house for 10 days. I am almost bored to death. All I can do is surf the internet and play my Xbox. But I am already sick of doing the same thing everyday. Managed to do some early spring cleaning, but I am really super sian.

I miss my jogging sessions. Got a new G-shock but still no chance to put it into good use.

Darn my MC ends only at the end of this week. So, my confinement continues.. before I know it, I might have spidery webs all over my body....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahaha spidey webs.. no worries, i'll go and clean it up for u once in a while.. keke... Well, i did offer you to do my homework, but u rejected the idea.. So knt say that u have nth to do.. wahaha..