Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Scary and shivering

Well, time passed really fast, it had been one week since my surgery. Well, not fully recovered, but should be doing fine. However, these two days seems bad, more blood then before. Hope there is no infection.

Anyway, had undergone general anesthesia for this surgery. The experience is scary. During my school days, I had pushed numerous patients into the operating theater, but it was my first been pushed into one. I must say it is quite scary as I will not know what will be happening to me next. Furthermore, the room is darn cold that I cannot stop shivering.

Nevertheless, while laying in the operating theater, I was wondering how are they going to anesthetized me? I was guessing it must be from the drip on my arm, maybe by some lethal injection? Ha.. but I was wrong. It was by some gas administered via a face mask. I must say this is really potent, because after the 2nd breath, I was feeling high liao. By the 4th or 5th breath, I was totally in dreamland. Medical is darn good now. Bby the time I woke up, the operation is over, no pain what-so-ever. But well, the pain comes after the anesthesia goes off.

The waking up feeling sucks big time. It is just like after I had drowned 20 cans of Tiger beer. Feeling high and nausea. The anesthetic had told me that after the operation, 10% of the patient will have vomitting. I guess I am those unlucky 10%. Puke after operation and even inside the cab. Lucky I was smart enough to have a vomit bag with me......

Well, I was lucky to have someone taking care of me. All from the way from the hospital to back home. She was really at my bark and call. Serving me water, buying me donuts.... Thanks dear....


Basically, I am still recovering. Going back for review on the 12th. Hopefully all should be fine. Wanna get back to work soon. Sometimes can really get boring doing nothing but eat and sleep at home..... and of course shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u are most welcome... That's the least i can do for you ma... :) - myolie